Oswald Rossi knows agriculture from different angles. After completing training as an agricultural technician, the farmer's son worked in the Supervision Authority for Agriculture of the Province of Bolzano. Today he works at the Research Centre Laimburg and deals with apple storage and post-harvest biology.

Besides his job, he’s starting out professionally as an organic beekeeper. And here is a simplified outline of what makes delicious and nutritious, organic honey:

What makes organic honey?

Except for the residues, Oswald cover everything himself. If the laboratory test complies with the organic rules, the honey jars from the Oswald Rossi apiary bear the organic seal, otherwise they do not.

Bees are active from just 10 degrees. To give them as much flight time as possible, Oswald moves the bees within South Tyrol and Trentino. His hundred colonies of bees pollinate the apple trees in the South Tyrolean lowlands in spring and then search for apple and dandelion blossoms at over 1,000 metres above sea level.

A little later, he takes them to the nearby Valsugana to the acacia forests. The bees continue in the South Tyrolean forests with spruce, fir, lime and chestnut trees. Sometimes Oswald still takes the bees to the alpine pastures and the alpine roses. But one thing did not change since Oswald’s grandfather was the beekeeper: forest honey is everyone’s favourite.

Organic farming is bee-friendly

The Gala variety is ripening in his apple meadows and Oswald is currently looking for an apple orchard for another variety: "If I find the right meadow, I will plant Natyra.® The aromatic variety tastes good to me." The scab-resistant variety needs fewer pesticide treatments, the pesticides do not harm the bees and the variety lasts in storage. Ideal for beekeeper Oswald, and storage technician Oswald. However, it is a great challenge for organic farmer Oswald, because Natyra® is delightful on the palate but difficult to grow.

Organic apple farmer Oswald